Timeless Classics

There is something to be said about the simplicity of black and white photography. Eliot Erwitt once said,
Color is descriptive. Black and White is interpretive
And Ted Grant said,
When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. But when you in black and white you photograph their souls!
2020 is coming to a close and I am reflecting on time. This year was particularly special. 2020 came with some serious challenges, but for some reason, there was an increase in calls for photography. Everyone wanted to capture their family, freeze the moment because tomorrow, is more than ever, so uncertain. Everyone's plans changed and everyone had to adjust to the changes that life gave them.
Yet this year I saw more appreciation for the family than ever before. A profound appreciation for simplicity. Not complicating life with wants but indulging in the moments of needs. Need for family, for the community, and for love. I learned so much in 2020, lessons that I will hold near and dear to my heart for years to come, and these photos reflect how simple yet how perfect life can be when you look at it the right way.
2021 holds so much promise, for these two it holds two. Krystal is expecting twins.