I prayed for this...

I'm very excited about sharing this gallery with you all. It's near and dear to my heart, not because it’s my daughter's engagement session but because it's an answered prayer. Let me share the story.
I was driving home one day listening to a sermon online by Francis Chan. He was speaking about the day he met a young man that impressed him. He was impressed by his authenticity and devotion to serve God and the church. Once Francis Chan found himself alone he said to himself that he wanted a young man like him for his daughter. So he took it to the prayer room. He prayed a specific prayer, asking for that young man to be his son in law. Today Francis celebrates that story while holding his first grandchild.
I was so inspired by the story, I remember blurting out loud in the car, "Wow, God I want that. Help me find Rebecca's husband" then my mind traveled among all the young men I have crossed paths with and I thought to myself. "This isn't going to be easy, that is my baby girl, I can't just pick anyone". So I waited. a few weeks later on a Sunday, I was visiting citywide church in Bridgeport and as the service concluded I was approached by Carlos. I had worked with Carlos on several youth trips and always appreciated his devotion to leading youth to Christ. He gave me a huge hug and said, "I hate that I see you only once a year, we should plan something". And just like that I knew it was him.
I looked at my husband and said, "Joey, he's the one. I want him" and of course he didn't know what I was talking about, so I had to explain myself, as his look said it all. Then I went home, told my mom, "I found the boy I want mom". She responded with, "Zaibel your married" and again I had to explain myself and she responded with, "What about what Becky wants?" but she didn't understand that this was a divine set up. So I prayed and told God, "I know you put it in my heart because we have been talking about this, I asked you to point him out and I knew it instantly when I saw him, so I am naming him my son in law".
I couldn't tell Becky. From experience I knew she liked everyone I didn't like and she liked everyone I didn't like. Not all of them, there were a few that I liked, just not for her. So I couldn't discuss it with her. After a few days, I started to doubt what I felt on that day when I saw Carlos. So I made a few phone calls. I wanted to know if Carlos was single, what was his story. I was told on two occasions, "You are not the only mom wanting Carlos for their daughter". I took that as a prayer challenge, so I did what any good mom does. I called the CIA of prayer warriors. The intercessory prayer group of my home church, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel. And yes, some of them laughed at me, but they agreed to pray with me.
It wasn't long after that Carlos, out of the blue, called Becky. Apparently he had a crush on her for sometime and finally decided to ask her out. So I wasn't praying for something that wasn't already planted in his heart. (God is funny like that) Then God did something in Becky's heart and before I knew it I was in my kitchen and Carlos was holding the ring asking for my permission to marry my little girl and it was a resounding yes, with tears in my eyes and a grateful heart. Our families clicked, my granddaughter loves Carlos, and I know that as long as he stays Christ centered, he will lead my daughters family well. Becky is a catch, she's not meant for just anyone, she's meant for God's appointed one.
Now its up to them to pray to keep it together. I hope you enjoyed the story as it might be the speech on their wedding day. :)
Models: Carlos Velez & Rebecca Zaibel Robles
Location: Bethesda Terrace in Central Park NY
Clothing: Amazon Fashion
Photographer: MOM (that's me, Zai)