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The Proposal

This weekend was full of surprises. This particular session was one of them. With that said, I had to write a blog post and share the details of "The Proposal".

You know a man wants to make it special when he enlist his girlfriend...excuse me, fiancé's closest friends. From what I heard it started with an excited group text that in a matter of 24 hours turned out to be a very well thought out and planned proposal that all of their loved ones were present to witness. They even managed to call me and reserve me to capture this romantic moment. I met with Ruben at Gouveia Vineyards and his mind was set at proposing by the pond.

Meanwhile Nathi, Ruben's love, was tired from a very long shift at work but under the persuasion of her beautiful friends were ten minutes away from arrival. Thirty degrees and yet everyone was smiling as they formed a half circle around Ruben. Once the girls parked they made their way down to the pond and the family split to reveal Ruben on one knee. Nathi's reaction was priceless, her smile said she was happy and her eyes flooded with joy as the tears poured down her cheeks as she responded to Ruben's question, "Nathi, will you marry me" with a resounding, "Oh My God YES" as she glanced down to her ring and then jumped into Ruben's arms.

I loved being there capturing the moment. We followed the proposal with their official engagement photo's and it was not tough at all. While I was staging the flowers and rings they were hugging and kissing in the background with no instruction from me to do so. Enjoy the photos as they are authentic in every way. No forced smiles or kisses here. They were both on a cloud and made this session easy and I'm in love with every picture. Here are just a few that I wanted to share, I will let the happy couple share the rest.

Location: Gouveia Vinyards in Wallingford CT

Photographer: Zaibel Torres

Happy Couple: Ruben Vega and Nathi Torres

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